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I want to see what Worpress is all about.
Let's cross over, shall we?! :)
See you there!
Confessions of a Drama Queen!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
I write. I sigh. I do it all over again.
I really thought I would have written more. Blogged more. But words fail me. At times I get too engrossed with the feeling of soaking it all in. Like a sponge. Just a few more weeks left. Time flew by. But I did watch it go by. Didn't just happen overnight...
It's a beautiful, quiet little city. Nuremberg. It has a history that it quietly tells through the cracks on the walls. Throught the rubble that you might still see lurking around, if you happen to get lucky. And by lucky, I mean, not to see the rubble but lucky enough to bear witness to a glimpse of the transformation that has taken place.
There are things. Things I'd want to take back home with me. I'd wanna take back the courtesy and the hospitality. Taking the beautiful architecture would be nice as well. And while I am at it, I think I wouldn't mind taking a few people back as well. Not for ever. Just for a little while. The artist who plays the saxophone every day in the inner city would be one of them. I seriously think I am either in love with him or that saxophone of his. I might also miss how this city made me feel so if I could, I would take a lot of that feeling and trap it in a jar and open it when I feel like.
It's piercing cold sometimes. The wind follows me on my way to work and back, like a good old friend. Even if the sun is out, it still remains faithful. It's kind of sweet in an annoying way.
They ask me if I am Türkish. A lot of people do, surprisingly. When I am buying something. Asking something or simply just standing there admiring something that I would love to buy but wont. Or even eating. One guy even took it for granted and went right ahead and started talking to me in Turkish. I had to slow him down and then in my broken German explain that I am from India. That takes a little while. I am still to speak it fluently. For some reason, at the right time and the right moment, my brain decides to fumble and stutter. Just enough to confuse the person in front. But I enjoy that as well. Their perplexed emotions make me chuckle. My stuttering however makes me feel like a tourist all over again.
The GPS is an amazing liitle thing. It takes me to all these new places. Kind of like my tour guide. Introduces me to them till I get to know them better. The empty streets. The busy streets. The alleys. The walks around the Castle. It takes me everywhere. Even when it's freezing outside, it manages to lure me and convince me that it's ok to be a little cold and shiver a little, just as long as it's worth it. And it is. Everytime...
It's a beautiful, quiet little city. Nuremberg. It has a history that it quietly tells through the cracks on the walls. Throught the rubble that you might still see lurking around, if you happen to get lucky. And by lucky, I mean, not to see the rubble but lucky enough to bear witness to a glimpse of the transformation that has taken place.
There are things. Things I'd want to take back home with me. I'd wanna take back the courtesy and the hospitality. Taking the beautiful architecture would be nice as well. And while I am at it, I think I wouldn't mind taking a few people back as well. Not for ever. Just for a little while. The artist who plays the saxophone every day in the inner city would be one of them. I seriously think I am either in love with him or that saxophone of his. I might also miss how this city made me feel so if I could, I would take a lot of that feeling and trap it in a jar and open it when I feel like.
It's piercing cold sometimes. The wind follows me on my way to work and back, like a good old friend. Even if the sun is out, it still remains faithful. It's kind of sweet in an annoying way.
They ask me if I am Türkish. A lot of people do, surprisingly. When I am buying something. Asking something or simply just standing there admiring something that I would love to buy but wont. Or even eating. One guy even took it for granted and went right ahead and started talking to me in Turkish. I had to slow him down and then in my broken German explain that I am from India. That takes a little while. I am still to speak it fluently. For some reason, at the right time and the right moment, my brain decides to fumble and stutter. Just enough to confuse the person in front. But I enjoy that as well. Their perplexed emotions make me chuckle. My stuttering however makes me feel like a tourist all over again.
The GPS is an amazing liitle thing. It takes me to all these new places. Kind of like my tour guide. Introduces me to them till I get to know them better. The empty streets. The busy streets. The alleys. The walks around the Castle. It takes me everywhere. Even when it's freezing outside, it manages to lure me and convince me that it's ok to be a little cold and shiver a little, just as long as it's worth it. And it is. Everytime...
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
This one's for music.
Today had to be a good day. I was calm and everything around me seemed to happen at just the right time. The magic is around me all over again. I can feel it all the more. I got up just a little late but I still wasn't late for work. Somehow managed to reach right on time. Found the spice shop.Yes! Didn't forget to shop. Usually, I end up shopping for things that weren't on the list and mostly everything on the list but I always forget one or two things. Today, I didn't. Didn't drop anything either. And did not take awfully long to put things in my shopping bag after paying for them at the counter either. Usually, I do. And in between. I also drop a thing or two. My feet cringe when I can't put them in the bag fast enough. If that isn't enough, I also start talking to myself. I can almost hear the people in the queue screaming in their head.

Yes, I know that you can hardly see him. But you see, I get conscious while I take pictures. Slowly, I shall get over the hesitation and next time carrying my digital camera would be a better idea, as well. So until I get better at taking photos shamelessly, you will have to put up with this.
Like I said, today was the day of good music. I was all happy and content with myself for having gone out of my way and enjoying a performance in the freezing cold weather outside for a good 20 minutes. But nu-uh! Something even better caught my attention. It was the Saxophone! That man was simply amazing! I wish I had a better word. Somehow the word amazing sounds a little cheesy but it's not. I promise. The way he played it, I think I am in love with Saxophones. .
Yes, yes. I know! This one doesn't really count either but just deal with it. Okay? Ok, good! So yes, where was I? Aah, yes! The Saxophone! It isn't the easiest thing to play but when something sounds as good as a Saxophone does, it's worth the effort.
And then as I thought I had enough good music for the evening, wrong I was! I came across a man in his twenties standing there and singing a song I had never heard before. It was in English though. As I slowly walked past him after taking this pic, I knew today was my lucky day. It was a scene out of a Hollywood movie! And this time, I was in the movie! Dramatic much? Yes, I know. I am. Proudly so. :)

Well, I am done for the night. I still have a lot to say but when you need to be in office at sharp nine, saying good night just about now would be the right thing to do.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Long overdue. From Germany
This post really should have been written two weeks ago.Don't ask me what happened. In fact, now that I am here and writing, I am actually wondering why this post also happens to be the first post for this year. Gahhh. Let's just blame the laziness for it, shall we?!
Soo, 2012 is here! Will this be the last year that mankind will witness? Nah. I don't think so.
Another year in the making and what a wonderful start to this year and this post, from Germany. The fascinating land of Germans is hard to describe in a few lines. In fact, I don't know how to. I am actually at a loss of words. Yes, this is how I am. Confused, mostly but somehow I find my way around things.
It is such a visual treat everyday. The place has amazing architecture. Sometimes I just stand there and admire how beautiful the buildings and the churches are.
This is a picture of a church that happens to be on my way to work. I love the art that I am surrounded by.
More than that, I love how all this architecture appears the way it does because a lot of it was reconstructed after World War 2. Oh and this tiny little city of Nürnberg happens to have about 30 museums! I have to and I soo need to visit each and every one of them.
I haven't really started travelling and going around that much but the list is ready! Excitement, I tell you! The weather happens to be so cold that the first opportunity I get, I sleep. Don't judge me. Come here and experience the -21 degrees and you'll know what I mean. But I try and absorb as much as I can when I get the opportunity to. :) Soon, it shall be in full swing!
Oh and I just have to mention this. The inner city is full of amazing artists. The saxophones and the violins just make me feel as if I am living my very own version of a fairy tale. I haven't had the guts to stand there and take a video of the performances.I really really want to. But I get conscious. I walk as slowly as I can, so that I hear as much as I can. Standing isn't the most comfortable choice. Trust me! For the chirpy, out-there person that I am, I never thought I would be hesitant. But turns out, I am. Will overcome it soon. The traveler in me, nudges me to!
Soo, 2012 is here! Will this be the last year that mankind will witness? Nah. I don't think so.
Another year in the making and what a wonderful start to this year and this post, from Germany. The fascinating land of Germans is hard to describe in a few lines. In fact, I don't know how to. I am actually at a loss of words. Yes, this is how I am. Confused, mostly but somehow I find my way around things.
The first thing I noticed about this place, as soon as I got out of the airport was how freaking cold it was. I am still trying to get used to the layers and layers of clothes. But I like it. A welcome change from the humid and tropical weather. I am so glad that it ain't humid.
It is such a visual treat everyday. The place has amazing architecture. Sometimes I just stand there and admire how beautiful the buildings and the churches are.
This is a picture of a church that happens to be on my way to work. I love the art that I am surrounded by.
More than that, I love how all this architecture appears the way it does because a lot of it was reconstructed after World War 2. Oh and this tiny little city of Nürnberg happens to have about 30 museums! I have to and I soo need to visit each and every one of them.
I haven't really started travelling and going around that much but the list is ready! Excitement, I tell you! The weather happens to be so cold that the first opportunity I get, I sleep. Don't judge me. Come here and experience the -21 degrees and you'll know what I mean. But I try and absorb as much as I can when I get the opportunity to. :) Soon, it shall be in full swing!
Oh and I just have to mention this. The inner city is full of amazing artists. The saxophones and the violins just make me feel as if I am living my very own version of a fairy tale. I haven't had the guts to stand there and take a video of the performances.I really really want to. But I get conscious. I walk as slowly as I can, so that I hear as much as I can. Standing isn't the most comfortable choice. Trust me! For the chirpy, out-there person that I am, I never thought I would be hesitant. But turns out, I am. Will overcome it soon. The traveler in me, nudges me to!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
No really, make it go away.
Make what go away? The sleep.
In fact, it's not the sleep that needs to go away, it's more of internet in general that I need to move away from.
I shouldn't be on the net. But, here I am.
I shouldn't be writing a blog post. But, here I am.
I feel a burning desire to post something. To say something. I don't get a feeling like that often these days..
Random thoughts coming and going. But then this happens more often than I think it does. My mind is a chaos. Its a mayhem up there. Sometimes there is so much going on that I actually cannot pick one thought and mull over it.It gets that difficult. There is always that one thought that manages to distract me..
A lot of thoughts running in my head as I type this very line. The battery is low. I just got a notification. That was the most recent thought. The next one? Err.. It isn't a very comforting one. I just woke up. At 12, at night. Yes, I am wierd like that. I wouldn't say its a good thing. But then, it is what it is.. I should be studying. No really, I should be. But something takes me away from the thought of opening the black and white photocopied notes or even looking at them rather. I miss the days where I would open a book just to feel the glossy paper, see the colors, read about "how it all began". Those days are gone mostly. Now, it's pretty much- do this, do that and done. No journey to travel, just a destination to reach. Sad, but true.
I look up. My neck is a little cranky (from sleeping in the wrong posture. Yes, I am lazy like that) I am staring at the lady in the painting on the wall. Eiffel Tower is in the background. Her hair are swaying to the winds( I would like to think that they are) She isn't looking up. She is looking down. Not in dismay though. She is just looking down. Posing in a rather lady-like manner, I would say. A very subtle one. A long red dress( the soothing one) she is wearing. Very comfortable in her skin. Not too proud but at the same time she is not shy either...
My yoga mat is staring at me. Either because it's telling me that I should be packing it away or I should be sitting on it and making use of it. I don't think it likes being treated as a "show-piece". But then you might argue with me that it doesn't feel anything; it's a thing. I would disapprove.
I am hungry. The Kellogs Box is standing on my table, fancily. I love how I am being so candid about doing things at the wrong time. Almost as if I am trying to show off. I think I am. About what? I wish I knew.
Met somebody today. Someone I know very little but still she happens to be there. A part of my life; in a very small way. She mentioned about how she spent the last week visiting a friend in Kerala. She went to attend her wedding. She also mentioned that she went with her boyfriend and spent time with him. She was a little shy to say that but nevertheless she did. I earned her trust, I guess. She went on to mention the little details of her trip. She almost chuckled at times but she was excited..There were times she would get a little conscious to say it out loud. She made sure no one else heard it straight. She didn't want to hide it but I don't think it was something she wanted to make public.
It made me sad; her story. Here was a woman (a working woman) who was doing what she wanted to. Pretty independent and fearless that way. And yet she was bound. That pinched me. I don't blame her but let me say no more.
Looking outside the window, I see no stars. I see no moon. :( I like to look at them. I can hear the faint synonymous sound of crickets. There is a slight breeze. The wind chime feels the presence of the winds too but doesn't feel the need to chime just as yet. There is a silence in the room yet it isn't quiet..
.. A song is playing.
... The path that I'm walkin', I must go alone
I must take the baby steps 'til I'm full grown, full grown
Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay...
In fact, it's not the sleep that needs to go away, it's more of internet in general that I need to move away from.
I shouldn't be on the net. But, here I am.
I shouldn't be writing a blog post. But, here I am.
I feel a burning desire to post something. To say something. I don't get a feeling like that often these days..
Random thoughts coming and going. But then this happens more often than I think it does. My mind is a chaos. Its a mayhem up there. Sometimes there is so much going on that I actually cannot pick one thought and mull over it.It gets that difficult. There is always that one thought that manages to distract me..
A lot of thoughts running in my head as I type this very line. The battery is low. I just got a notification. That was the most recent thought. The next one? Err.. It isn't a very comforting one. I just woke up. At 12, at night. Yes, I am wierd like that. I wouldn't say its a good thing. But then, it is what it is.. I should be studying. No really, I should be. But something takes me away from the thought of opening the black and white photocopied notes or even looking at them rather. I miss the days where I would open a book just to feel the glossy paper, see the colors, read about "how it all began". Those days are gone mostly. Now, it's pretty much- do this, do that and done. No journey to travel, just a destination to reach. Sad, but true.
I look up. My neck is a little cranky (from sleeping in the wrong posture. Yes, I am lazy like that) I am staring at the lady in the painting on the wall. Eiffel Tower is in the background. Her hair are swaying to the winds( I would like to think that they are) She isn't looking up. She is looking down. Not in dismay though. She is just looking down. Posing in a rather lady-like manner, I would say. A very subtle one. A long red dress( the soothing one) she is wearing. Very comfortable in her skin. Not too proud but at the same time she is not shy either...
My yoga mat is staring at me. Either because it's telling me that I should be packing it away or I should be sitting on it and making use of it. I don't think it likes being treated as a "show-piece". But then you might argue with me that it doesn't feel anything; it's a thing. I would disapprove.
I am hungry. The Kellogs Box is standing on my table, fancily. I love how I am being so candid about doing things at the wrong time. Almost as if I am trying to show off. I think I am. About what? I wish I knew.
Met somebody today. Someone I know very little but still she happens to be there. A part of my life; in a very small way. She mentioned about how she spent the last week visiting a friend in Kerala. She went to attend her wedding. She also mentioned that she went with her boyfriend and spent time with him. She was a little shy to say that but nevertheless she did. I earned her trust, I guess. She went on to mention the little details of her trip. She almost chuckled at times but she was excited..There were times she would get a little conscious to say it out loud. She made sure no one else heard it straight. She didn't want to hide it but I don't think it was something she wanted to make public.
It made me sad; her story. Here was a woman (a working woman) who was doing what she wanted to. Pretty independent and fearless that way. And yet she was bound. That pinched me. I don't blame her but let me say no more.
Looking outside the window, I see no stars. I see no moon. :( I like to look at them. I can hear the faint synonymous sound of crickets. There is a slight breeze. The wind chime feels the presence of the winds too but doesn't feel the need to chime just as yet. There is a silence in the room yet it isn't quiet..
.. A song is playing.
... The path that I'm walkin', I must go alone
I must take the baby steps 'til I'm full grown, full grown
Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay...
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