Imagination is the key. The key to success. The key to make the not possible very much possible.
I say this out of a sheer emotional impulse after watching the J.K Rowling's Harvard Speech. I really dont have much to say other than saying that she is soo damn right. She is who she is. She is what she is for what she does. This might not make much sense to you but to me it does.
Life is there for a reason. A reason so simplistic and yet so complicated that if I was to define it I might end up talking in circles. So I shall be wise and leave it for you to define the way you want to.
One thing I would like to say or rather one word I would like to focus on (actually its two words but then the focus lies on one) -BE BRAVE. The bravery I am talking about has nothing to do with physical strength. Neither does it have anything to do with enforcing Power. Maybe it does but in this context its more Self- empowerment that I m talking about.
Have the power to be Imaginative. The decision is entirely yours. Whether you choose to follow the rules or defy them and make your own is completely your choice. A choice that comes with a price. The price being having the faith to believe in yourself and your thoughts. Thats it. It really is that simple!
I would end this post with a little something that someone once told me.
Sometimes Questions are more important than answers.