Monday, June 20, 2011


I really want to do something like this! Life on the streets of Mumbai aka Bombay has a story to tell. Every second is a new creation in this buzzing city. I love figuring out society at large. The way we lead we lifestyles in different parts of the world. The way we do what we do. The way we think what we think. All this excites me.  I actually have this thing to do on my to do list and that happens to be- making a documentary on Rajasthan. A professional one.

Maybe, I will. But I am clumsy as hell when it comes to making a video. My hands cant keep the camera still. Even worse, I think my voice would be very unrecommended for the backdrop of the video for some reason. Do not ask me why. Nevertheless, I am actually considering doing it. I dont have much time left in Mumbai to make a video on one but here is an idea that aint gonna die very soon. So maybe sometime soon a video blog is what you shall find on this blog.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

The happy frequency

A happy frequency must exist. I m sure. 

They say thoughts have frequencies. Each thought a slightly different one. So then could it be that for each person there is this one frequency where everything works out just fine?

Have you ever had this feeling that everything is happening just the way you want it to; As if the universe is your slave? That you can have anything you want to? Isnt that feeling just absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking? Its filling me right now. Intoxicating me. Just a little. Its like magic, I tell you! I dont know what is it that triggered it.  I have moments like these very often and when I do, this is what happens and being a pisces is all worth it!

I paint without a brush. I see magic happen. Dance sequences create themselves inside my head. Soliloquies shape themselves out of thin air. A kaleidoscope of realms keep emerging.Very colorful ones! Creativity is born, all over again. This and soo much more happens on my happy frequency. . .


Friday, June 10, 2011

M F Husain

M F Husain passed away at 95 in London. Its sad that he breathed his last on a foreign land and not where he wanted to be. 

M F Husain was a painter who made his mark in the world of art. He was known as the "Picasso of India." I wouldn't know much about that. I have never really followed Picasso's work to be able to compare it with Husain's work and I haven't followed Husain's work either. I have seen a few paintings now and then but that would be all. 

The reason why I am writing this post is not to discuss his artwork but to question the sad state of affairs that our society at large happens to be in. His life was at risk here for a few religious groups believed strongly that he disrespected our Gods by his 'peculiar' depiction of them through his paintings. This was probably just one of the many things, I m guessing. He became famous more for the controversies he stirred up than for his paintings. 

I first heard about him a few years back when he was being flashed across the news channels. I first thought that maybe he was some criminal. Thenn, as I watched the news I found out that it was his paintings that were apparently causing ripples all across the country. The very bad ones. The ones that threatened his life.The ones that made him to live in self exile. Sigh.

Here was a man who wasn't harming anyone, not playing any dirty politics touted as somebody who was tarnishing the society in ways that I just cannot understand. His depiction of deities is the one that I distinctly remember being talked about. Scrutinized rather. I still don't understand even after all these years what the fuss was all about.

What made me laugh back then and even now I cant help but ridicule the so called religious groups who demonstrated their dislike for the paintings. They formed this commotion that somehow lead people to believe that if they didn't oppose this man they would be treacherous to their religion. And there went the common man supporting something that he had very little knowledge about. As if it was something that defined his existence. Sad but true. How easily our society can be influenced on the name of religion is beyond my comprehension.

I just hope that someday a common man in India will be allowed to express himself as he pleases and that his work or his opinon or his perspective on something will be given its due breathing space. Thats when we will be truly able to call our country democratic. .

Here are some of M F Husain's works.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wierd Times.

Very wierd times.

I don't know how to explain this feeling that I have. Is it happy? Is it sad? I m not so sure.

Times are changing fast. In fact the things are becoming overwhelming.I look around and I see friends are getting married/engaged/pregnant. The first thing that comes to my mind is- Omifreakinlord! Are we really that old already?

What is even funnier is that I just cant help but think about how the common perception of 'East' being the one to usually win the race in matters like these is clearly being proven wrong. Gone are the days when we could stereotype easily. I like the unpredictability of the society.  Or maybe a better way to look at this is that the trends are reversing. Makes me think of this theory that a sociologist once told me about. He said that societies at large impersonate each other and will always do so. Something that is being done in one part of the world will sooner or later become the trend in the other. 

..Coming back to the whole topic of friends getting married and all. It still hasn't sunk in. I look around me in this part of the world and I would say times are definitely changing. India is known to have that conservative image that we all know about but to me it looks like East is becoming West and West is becoming East. I do not mean to say in any way that West is becoming conservative  but then again the word conservative has its various interpretations and descriptions/tags to me are like opinions that become widely accepted so it really depends on how one sees it.

So that being said I really just have to accept that we are not so young anymore. Well, still young but not the teenage young. Funny though innit? It seems like it was just yesterday that we were in high school doing the whimsical crazy stupid things that we loved  to..