Today had to be a good day. I was calm and everything around me seemed to happen at just the right time. The magic is around me all over again. I can feel it all the more. I got up just a little late but I still wasn't late for work. Somehow managed to reach right on time. Found the spice shop.Yes! Didn't forget to shop. Usually, I end up shopping for things that weren't on the list and mostly everything on the list but I always forget one or two things. Today, I didn't. Didn't drop anything either. And did not take awfully long to put things in my shopping bag after paying for them at the counter either. Usually, I do. And in between. I also drop a thing or two. My feet cringe when I can't put them in the bag fast enough. If that isn't enough, I also start talking to myself. I can almost hear the people in the queue screaming in their head.

Yes, I know that you can hardly see him. But you see, I get conscious while I take pictures. Slowly, I shall get over the hesitation and next time carrying my digital camera would be a better idea, as well. So until I get better at taking photos shamelessly, you will have to put up with this.
Like I said, today was the day of good music. I was all happy and content with myself for having gone out of my way and enjoying a performance in the freezing cold weather outside for a good 20 minutes. But nu-uh! Something even better caught my attention. It was the Saxophone! That man was simply amazing! I wish I had a better word. Somehow the word amazing sounds a little cheesy but it's not. I promise. The way he played it, I think I am in love with Saxophones. .
Yes, yes. I know! This one doesn't really count either but just deal with it. Okay? Ok, good! So yes, where was I? Aah, yes! The Saxophone! It isn't the easiest thing to play but when something sounds as good as a Saxophone does, it's worth the effort.
And then as I thought I had enough good music for the evening, wrong I was! I came across a man in his twenties standing there and singing a song I had never heard before. It was in English though. As I slowly walked past him after taking this pic, I knew today was my lucky day. It was a scene out of a Hollywood movie! And this time, I was in the movie! Dramatic much? Yes, I know. I am. Proudly so. :)

Well, I am done for the night. I still have a lot to say but when you need to be in office at sharp nine, saying good night just about now would be the right thing to do.