Wow! That did sound soo mystifying...Ok maybe not.
But as soon as my friends read this either I will get a tight slap or a "You dont think everyone knows this already?!!" look so I guess no point trying to make it sound as if its one big secret.
By the looks of it from the title of this post, I m hoping that my readers have a rough idea of where the winds are blowing.
I think. I ponder. I mull over stuff. I anticipate. I contemplate.I philosophize. I speculate.
More like I meditate over some ideas (which by the way never ever seem to end)..Hmm..Is that possible?! Because technically speaking when one meditates they are supposed to calm down and disconnect themselves from the rest of the world.
My brain likes to have something to play with at all times. I mean how can you not 'not think'?!!! Have you ever just gone blank. Ever felt it was a vacuum up there. I know I have never ever felt that way and I m hoping that never happens either. It would be freaky. Don't you think?!
I dont know why I do it. I mean everyone has a brain Why doesn't anyone else think as much as I do or if they do why are they so afraid to admit it. I dont know.
When you are a kid and you play with a toy you never consider its "economic" purpose so to say. You like it. It makes you happy. Its that simple!
In my thought process its kind of ironic because here I am having the ability(or so I'd like to believe) to delve into the intricacies of my thoughts and speculate them and on the other hand I outrageously refuse to question the very purpose of doing so almost as if I lack the insight to.
Think simple and you will find this life simple.Think complicated and you will find your life entangled in this realm which is full of complexities.Yes I did come up with this one. However I m sure many others have. Well, this is my version.
I would be lying to you if I said I never ever questioned myself. I do try to think.Very rarely. But I do
I come up with the strangest ideas. I believe its because I like to find the deeper meaning of things. Of why things happen the way they do. Almost as if it is some deep secret that is yet to be discovered.
Yes I do picture myself coming up with some kickass theory about Life and its meaning That finally everything around you(yes yes you part of the bigger picture too!) and everyone else makes perfect sense...and now you thinking I m wierd? Yes I can envisage the nods. I think so too. But I d rather be wierd than be someone who hasn't got anything different to offer to this world. I m not saying that I m the only one who thinks this way. I know I m not..At the end of the day I know that its not all bullshit so I guess that one thing that keeps me going.
And for today I think the journey halts here for I will be considerate enough to not bore you or confusle you anymore. I do that to myself enough already that I try and not take myself seriously whenever I can.
I have no idea what exactly did I achieve by saying all this but I guess I did let you peek into my world's complexities.Who knows one day when I look back at myself I might just laugh and say yes these were the days when I babbled on and on thinking that it was something profound and scholarly. . .
Hey I would like to share a little story. Once there was a boy named Jo. He had a favorite toy-a GI-Joe. He loved to be with it. He fantasized, ate, bathed and even slept with it. Slowly the boy grew older. His friends switched to different sports but Jo remained with his GI-joe. After a few years boredom entered his life. He was bored of his toy and wanted to move on. He couldn't. All these years of attachment, kind of hypnotized him. He slowly accepted that it has to be the way it is and continued to live in the same manner. Then there were days when he threw his toy far away and then later searched for it madly.The toy became his burden,his obsession. Same is the case with us. Mind was given to us as an instrument. But now we are an instrument to mind. No matter how hard we try we cannot stop it, we cannot part with it. And that is what the art of meditation is all about moving from mind to no-mind. Moving from slavery to mastery....If u dont believe me just try this out.....close ur eyes for 1 minute and try not to think, no words at all, don't even think that i m not thinking coz. that itself becomes a thought. Try it out and u will be astonished.......;)