Monday, December 13, 2010

Finally. It dawns on me.

So finally I admit that I have been wrong!

I have just realized that I have been going horribly wrong in this one thing in my life and it has to stop.
Thinking. Being Passive. When I said I lay there gazing at the ceiling and staring out into the universe for hours. I literally meant it!

All this while I had been patronizing myself about this "oh so intelligent and ever so right philosophical" habit of mine. Finally the words are ready to come out of my mouth. Its not right. Its not ok to just lay there and think and then think some more. Its not. What it leads to ladies and gentlemen is Passivity. This awful word seems very profound at first, Like dude! I m coming up with this kick ass theory of mine which will charm the world and take it by storm. It does not. Thinking only shows you the path. It does not take you there! Actions do.

And I do not mean to say that you should not think. Of course you should! Hence the difference between humans and machines comes into picture. To have a perspective is very important. To have a stand on something is even more important. That is what sets us apart from others.  However too much of passivity leads to nothing. I would even go on to say that Passivity is not good at all.

I realized that finally at the end of a whole freaking semester! All I ever did was procrastinate and trust me it lead to a cranky me! A thought is as good as nothing unless you do something with it. You need to keep your mind and body occupied with something or the other or else it leads to building castles in the air; something that I did very often this semester. Not Good!

So here is the solution! Since I have now decided to go public about it (hopefully this is something that should help me stay on the highway and not run off it) I will at all times find myself something to do. Even if it means joining some crappy dance class which does not expand my range, I shall still do it because at the end of the day I will have DONE something and not just thought about it. And how I thought that if we just kept working and working and doing and doing where does the time come to introspect?! Well here is the answer. Our mind is one intelligent thing. It can multi task. And this is where our subconscious mind comes into the picture. It records things as we live each day. All the little things that matter to us, the little things that catch our attention. So really we might not realize but it is getting archived. Every little detail. And this is when our sixth sense comes into the picture. The moment we are not sure and that feeling inside that helps us make a decision. Yep that right there is our sixth sense which derives its conclusions from the subconscious mind.

I mean really?! Did I not know this already?! I did. However I chose not to see it. Its funny how our comfort zone can blind us and teach us to rationalize our behavior so fiercely. But I guess all's well that ends well. But wait! It aint the end. No way. This is only the beginning!. .  :)

I know its gonna take sometime to get over this habit. But then the journey of realization has been embarked. Slow and steady be it but it will go on.

So again I have chosen a wrong time to blog about the right things! Its late and I have to be up early. Soo I shall be off now.
I shall sleep and hope that tomorrow will be a day of productivity! It better be. It needs to be.

PS: I have a feeling I am gonna wake up in the morning and say to myself " Like why Bulbul! why did you have to spoil the mood of the post by putting  this stupid(yet cute!) photo!?!" and for that I d say "Oh come on for crying out loud I am a Drama Queen. Things need to be light around here. Things need to be funny"

Hmm..I wonder if its anywhere near the vicinity of being proclaimed as lame!? Oh well whatever(!)
I think I can live one day of my life for being lame for all I care!

Signing off for today!
Watch out for the next post. If it turns out the way I am hoping it does the next post will be one hell of a read!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously!!!! Can u read my mind!!! I was discussing exactly dis to a frnd today!!! Exactly the thing u described!!!! :O
