So what exactly do you do when you see a kid by the traffic lights come and ask you for money?
My intelligent guess is that most of us don't even bother rolling the window down.
Nothing you can do about it.
I mean what could the poor you possibly do, anyway?
What do you do when you see a "stop animal abuse" sign somewhere with a photo of an abused animal?
I think you say,"Ah nie man! Poor animal! Shame!"
Yeah, that's pretty much where it all starts and ends.
Its sad though. Not so? I mean, we can all go on discussing it, sharing it on FB, even feeling genuinely sorry for the wrongs that keep happening. BUT. Do we do something about it? Nah. Unless talking is doing.
But we must.
Take the case of Poaching Rhinos in South Africa.
Might not mean much to you. You might not even give a damn about it. But for the rhinos its pretty much a matter of life or death!
But oh wait. They cant speak so what the hell. Why should you care? Its not like the world is going to come to an end!
If only you knew that with an attitude like this, that day wont be far. We pretty much blame the government for things like these but uh- excuse me! The Government comes from where? We, the people.So I guess, we are just passing on the problem to somebody else so we can lay back and relax and go right back to thinking as if we are not a part of the bigger picture? Right. Got it.
Nobody is telling you to leave everything and submerge yourself in a cause. To whom it matters so much, they are already pursuing it with all their might. All that is expected of you is to support people like these. Turn up for their events. See what they have to say. Show your support if you see some soul in it; if you think its worth it. A few hours away from what you normally do won't turn your life upside down. What it might just do is save an innocent life!
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