Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy ME = A Perfect World!

Happy me and this world is perfect the way it is.
I figured out one thing recently and that happens to be the fact that when you are happy everything is perfect just the way it is. 

Life to me seems magical when I am happy. 
The winds tell me stories. 
The falling autumn leaves sway me. 
The birds chirping fill me with life and hope and Energy. Like never before!

Yes life is pretty much a fairytale come true when I am happy. Every thing around seems to smile at me. 

So one thing I would like to say is-
Do whatever it takes to make you happy. Dance like an idiot. Sing your heart out.Whatever it is that does it. Do it! 

PS- Yes I know I was supposed to talk about my favorite destinations around the world. It will come. Soon.
For now this is it. Gotta hit the bed.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Click it!

So I have finally decided to become a photographer. Well, not professionally but sort of at a hobby level only.
I figured that  while I m in Manipal I might just as well go behind the lens and capture the beauty of nature.

Manipal is quite a place to be when you want to be around the nature and MU's campus is impressive too.
So from next sem this place right here will be home to beautiful pictures! :)

I have a collection of photos that I started collecting a few months back. Started with joblessness and now its actually become a habit.  At first the joblessness was only confined to the genre of  dance. Now the collection comprises of   black and white photos of all sorts of things. 

As beautiful as the colors can make a photograph to be, after looking at black and white photos I felt that sometimes the color takes away a story the photograph has to tell. It somehow is too much to process with all the colors around. However with only two colors it just makes it easier to focus on the little details .My album  is a collection of photos that basically caught my attention the moment I saw them. I like to believe they say more than 1000 words.

Here it is. Have a look. Once again I clarify that these photos are not mine. These are random photos that I have collected from the internet.. 
Anyhow I m off for today.
Oh oh Oh and if all goes as planned(which hardly ever does. but. If it does) I shall talk about my love for travel in the next post. About my favorite destinations across the world that I would love to visit!


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Rules. Matter much?

I wanna talk about something that connects all of us. Society.

How important is it for the society to guide you to do something. I would even go on to say that society is pretty much the one who decides what should be done and how it should be done. Why? 

I just finished reading Daughters of Arabia. Yet again it baffles me how we have set these rules that should be followed in order to have "the" life. Who decides what is to be done? Who gives someone that authority to be the one to decide. I have heard  that Jean Sason exaggerated a lot of things. Maybe she did. Things need to be dramatic to catch our attention. She wanted to sell a story after all. But I would still say that the essence of the book is very real. Maybe not every single thing happened but I m very sure that things like these do happen.I know they do. I do not even want to talk about what all I read. Its disturbing to say the least but its not something that I have not heard before. The sooner you get used to the prejudices in this world the easier it is to move on in life and accept it. But really is that what we should be doing? Being okay with it or should we fight it? And if we should then for how long do fight? Specially when you are the only one fighting it. .

Is it really that necessary to have these rules? These rules that dictate the way you live. When did that happen? Tracing back to history its been happening since life began. .Why did it happen? The need to be powerful maybe. The need to be acknowledged. Its sad to see that whenever in the times before when  all this began a very insecure man started it. The need for others to follow something you are doing to assert that its right just shows how hollow the person was despite being the leader.Of sorts. When did someone become better and more superior than the other? Really! And its not just in part of the world that it happens, it happens everywhere in the world. Only the degrees vary.

When did it become mandatory for everyone to follow a certain set of notions that a certain set of people believed in. Its sad how something like this loosely led to the formation of a society and hence maybe even a whole religion all by itself. Having a society is important and necessary. It being mandatory is not. Having a society should ease everyone's life and not restrict it.

But oh well, what can we do? One person cannot be the change but he can surely be the one to start it. For me a start is good enough. 

Hmm... So I think I m done for today with the big talk. However I have come up with something and that happens to go like this- Next time whenever you look at someone and find someone doing something that you would not do, step back and tell yourself that it is okay for someone to be different and to think differently even if he is the only one doing it. Let people be the way they want to be. Just as you deserve the right to do whatever you want to the other person does too.

Soo my BIG mantra for now and for ever is : Live and let live!

PS: Now that I m done with this I need my dose of fiction. Too much of reality just quietens me.Makes me sober. Not good. I need the chirpy me around me. Not too fond of silence! Soo I shall begin with my next one which happens to be The God of Small Things. I m so pathetic. I remember first seeing the book in my English class when we had to analyse some part of it. Back then it just never managed to grab my attention and quite honestly I did not understand much either but now I m in love with the book and now it all makes so much sense! 
For an entire(yes a complete freaking!) semester I have not been able to go beyond 50 something pages. It just gets too heavy and then I sit there adoring and analyzing and thinking of all the different things that it could imply. The words are soo vivid. It takes me to a different world.Hopeless I am. Yes I know. Sooo finally I will once and for all  and for all the love I have for the words I shall start the book and Finish it. 

Friday, December 17, 2010

Whats next? Photo-blogging's next!

Home home home it is!

So I m back home again! It feels soo good to be home. It makes the cranky me a very calm me. However this time round I wont be home for long. Sadness. Yes I know.

Holiday is too short!

Hmm... So I m thinking that if everything goes well and I get a camera this time and by that I mean the Cannon I want I will start photo blogging. I have always wanted to. Manipal is a pretty place and I figured that photos are one way to record the moments in your life that matter. I mean you remember the important ones but somewhere down the line you do tend to forget some and even though I m not really all that into Manipal the place has taught me a lot and made me a stronger person. It has given me wisdom. So I would wanna remember it nevertheless.

So yes hopefully next blog will be colorful and expressive.  I shall catch the candid moments of my life and put it up!

Feeling sleepy. And I m tired. Soo. .
Nighty nite it is!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Finally. It dawns on me.

So finally I admit that I have been wrong!

I have just realized that I have been going horribly wrong in this one thing in my life and it has to stop.
Thinking. Being Passive. When I said I lay there gazing at the ceiling and staring out into the universe for hours. I literally meant it!

All this while I had been patronizing myself about this "oh so intelligent and ever so right philosophical" habit of mine. Finally the words are ready to come out of my mouth. Its not right. Its not ok to just lay there and think and then think some more. Its not. What it leads to ladies and gentlemen is Passivity. This awful word seems very profound at first, Like dude! I m coming up with this kick ass theory of mine which will charm the world and take it by storm. It does not. Thinking only shows you the path. It does not take you there! Actions do.

And I do not mean to say that you should not think. Of course you should! Hence the difference between humans and machines comes into picture. To have a perspective is very important. To have a stand on something is even more important. That is what sets us apart from others.  However too much of passivity leads to nothing. I would even go on to say that Passivity is not good at all.

I realized that finally at the end of a whole freaking semester! All I ever did was procrastinate and trust me it lead to a cranky me! A thought is as good as nothing unless you do something with it. You need to keep your mind and body occupied with something or the other or else it leads to building castles in the air; something that I did very often this semester. Not Good!

So here is the solution! Since I have now decided to go public about it (hopefully this is something that should help me stay on the highway and not run off it) I will at all times find myself something to do. Even if it means joining some crappy dance class which does not expand my range, I shall still do it because at the end of the day I will have DONE something and not just thought about it. And how I thought that if we just kept working and working and doing and doing where does the time come to introspect?! Well here is the answer. Our mind is one intelligent thing. It can multi task. And this is where our subconscious mind comes into the picture. It records things as we live each day. All the little things that matter to us, the little things that catch our attention. So really we might not realize but it is getting archived. Every little detail. And this is when our sixth sense comes into the picture. The moment we are not sure and that feeling inside that helps us make a decision. Yep that right there is our sixth sense which derives its conclusions from the subconscious mind.

I mean really?! Did I not know this already?! I did. However I chose not to see it. Its funny how our comfort zone can blind us and teach us to rationalize our behavior so fiercely. But I guess all's well that ends well. But wait! It aint the end. No way. This is only the beginning!. .  :)

I know its gonna take sometime to get over this habit. But then the journey of realization has been embarked. Slow and steady be it but it will go on.

So again I have chosen a wrong time to blog about the right things! Its late and I have to be up early. Soo I shall be off now.
I shall sleep and hope that tomorrow will be a day of productivity! It better be. It needs to be.

PS: I have a feeling I am gonna wake up in the morning and say to myself " Like why Bulbul! why did you have to spoil the mood of the post by putting  this stupid(yet cute!) photo!?!" and for that I d say "Oh come on for crying out loud I am a Drama Queen. Things need to be light around here. Things need to be funny"

Hmm..I wonder if its anywhere near the vicinity of being proclaimed as lame!? Oh well whatever(!)
I think I can live one day of my life for being lame for all I care!

Signing off for today!
Watch out for the next post. If it turns out the way I am hoping it does the next post will be one hell of a read!

Friday, December 10, 2010

It is what it is.

I wonder if it was the light around the darkness that fooled me of the better good to come. . .

Things happen. People disappear. And every time one does it kills a little part of me.
I have lost many this semester. Friend. Acquaintance. Loved one

Each time its not the closeness of the relationship that weakens me after they depart it is the non-existence of a person in a matter of a few moments that haunts me. The ability of a person's existence to perish almost instantly is what scares me. A few seconds run through your fingers like quick sand and make their existence mythical.

I wish things did not have to be this way. I wish one little mistake did not have to cost someone their life. I wish I could wake up the next morning and find that everything is back to the way it would have been had the destiny not been treacherous.

I close my eyes.

I wake up.

I breathe in another day. .

. . Nothing has changed. The disparity of yesterday still  lurks in the existence of today.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Okay so here I am again. . .
I am not sure about what exactly is that I wish to speak  on? / about?. Well whichever one is right count that in.
I just know that I want to talk about something. And I want to type. For now I wish to hear the clicking sound as my nails hit the keys rather than hold a pencil in my hand and doodle as I make my all time favorite "to-do" lists or bring my thoughts into action on a canvas. For now I wish to contemplate. Contemplation is my art. My forte I would say. I wonder where it all leads. I see someone or the other doing that some time or the other so where does it lead or rather to what does it lead? And is thinking bad? People say Doing is important and not the thinking because thinking does not lead us anywhere. I m not so sure if I see that through completely. But then that could be because I would obviously and ever so rightly try and defend myself.

Pisceans they say are the ones who experience things on a much bigger scale than  any other sign. We feel things more minutely than any other sun sign. Yes I do believe in astrology however I do not believe in Destiny. I believe in Karma. I believe we all can get what we wanna have just as long as we want it as badly as we need air to breathe. The moment that desperation comes whatever we wants comes running to us. So yes coming back to the topic of pisceans. We see the finer details in things. We feel things that a lot of the times not a lot of people with other sun signs have the ability to feel and so they say that it doesn't exist and that the pisceans live in an unrealistic world. Simply because it is a more comforting choice. I don't understand what is it with us humans about the discomfort that trickles down our spine eerily whenever we are asked to step out of our comfort zones. Funny! But then I dont wanna lose focus. I shall talk about being a proud (not always but mostly)  piscean some other time.

I wanna talk about uncertainty. I m sure at some point in one's life does one experience its gravity of pulling one towards itself. For some its a way of living. Its more a settled "I m gonna be right here with you always" kinda feeling that just doesnt let go of you. For others it comes time to time. As  far as I am concerned it is very loyal. It stays with me. Inside me I would say.Crops up from time to time. I dont know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. What exactly do you make of that moment inside your head when you are not certain about why you feel the way you feel and what exactly is that you feel. I have mood swings. Really moody mood swings and sometimes I cannot figure out what triggered them. They just come. Its that simple. They are that simple. Or maybe its just that I like to patronize myself. Maybe I do. Maybe I dont. To each his own. I d like to believe that it is something more.
Getting back to the uncertainty. Is it good? Is it bad?
What do you make out of that moment when you are not sure why you feel the way you do. What do you do if it makes you feel different and I m not going to try and classify that feeling as good or bad because at the end of the day its perception. There is no truth or lie. There is no wrong or right. Its our opinion that makes it so. I am not going to reach a conclusion about it because the truth is that this universe is colossal and there are too many galxies and for me to reach one I would have to explore each one of them and choose and since we are dealing with infinity over here in short the answer would be never! I talked about this more so just to record this feeling. Just so that it doesnt go by unnoticed.

Anyway now that I have spoken about it I think its time for me to go to sleep. My eyes want to dream now.Its been a awfully long day. So here I am signing off leaving the world of uncertainty and entering the one of dreams. Really tired. Need sleep.
And as twisted and confusing as it may sound talking about uncertainty made me feel as I knew what I was talking about.Ironic.  And just as I am about to sign off I hope what I have typed makes sense tomorrow still and if not anything else when I do read it it will hopefully still be in English!

Buenos Noches!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Magic. Its what I crave for everyday when I wake up but I m hopelessly disappointed on many a days.

Although I would love to write a long post about this I honestly do not have the energy to type. To think rather. I need sleep. Not to mention the fact that I have a early class and then a lab in the afternoon. Sigh. .

So to make it count because I really want this "thought"  to be part of my archive I m just gonna say this in a few lines.

Everyone needs air to live. I need Inspiration.
Not that I dont need air but since I can take it for granted that Oxygen is gonna be around for a really long time I shall stress on other things that are an essential  part of my existence. At least the happy, at-peace existence of me. The moment I m in awe of something, everything is perfect just the way it is. I wish there was more of that around. The artist in me would paint a lot more, probably even discover a few colors too! 

Magic will always be a part of me.
I guess the optimistic me will never stop looking  for "magic". . .
Come what may!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Spectacular! Spectacular !!

Moulin Rouge!

What a movie. What a movie ( and yes if I may say so just once more. .) What a Movie!

Simply breathtaking. And then some more!

It is undoubtedly epic. Everything about this movie is so magnificent. I wish. I so wish I had watched it on the big screen, It was so grande. I do not even have words to explain the beauty of it. So charmingly delusional. It takes you into this world. This world that makes me dream. Makes me smile. Makes my heart flutter with joy.

(Yes as you can see I am awe-struck. No denying it. And I think I shall be for quite a while. This is one movie  that I would just love to watch over and over and over again. I mean if you share the love for drama  and acting just the way I do who would not wanna be part of cinema like that!  I have always been prejudiced for musicals but damn this is one movie that even musical-haters would enjoy or atleast appreciate.

Oh yes yes getting back to the movie. .)

The sets. The makeup. The acting. The costumes. The background score. Everything is just so darn good. All the minute details have been taken care of so meticulously. It was just soo fascinating that such a colossal production like this is so flawless. But then again maybe it just appears to be considering the fact that I have only watched it once (yet!) and was I to watch it more(which I will without a doubt ) I could probably find some faults. Nevertheless it is  a Masterpiece! A masterpiece that shall soon be a part of my coveted DVD collection!

So what more do I have to say?

Well what are ya wating for? If you havent watched this movie do it NOW!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

No Strings attached.

Imagination is the key. The key to success. The key to make the not possible very much possible.

I say this out of a sheer emotional impulse after watching the J.K Rowling's Harvard Speech.  I really dont have much to say other than saying that she is soo damn right. She is who she is. She is what she is for what she does. This might not make much sense to you but to me it does.

Life is there for a reason. A reason so simplistic and yet so complicated that if I was to define it I might end up talking in circles. So I shall be wise and leave it for you to define the way you want to.

One thing I would like to say or rather one word I would like to focus on (actually its two words but then the focus lies on one) -BE BRAVE. The bravery I am talking about has nothing to do with physical strength. Neither does it have anything to do with enforcing Power. Maybe it does but in this context its more Self- empowerment that I m talking about. 

Have the power to be Imaginative. The decision is entirely yours. Whether you choose to follow the rules or defy them and make your own is completely your choice. A choice that comes with a price. The price being having the faith to believe in yourself and your thoughts. Thats it. It really is that simple!

I would end this post with a little something that someone once told me.

Sometimes Questions are more important than answers.

Monday, August 30, 2010

And Again..

Fifth semester has started and the sessional time has officially arrived. Happiness. :|
I wish my emoticon could look more enthusiastic.
Its been more than a couple of sessionals now and still studying at last minute(literally!) is what happens every single time no matter how many times I say " Watch me next time!" It all ends up pretty much the same way.

Life apart from the " I m soo gonna start studying  properly today" is pretty mundane as of now. Nothing out of the ordinary happening. Lets see what this semester has in store for me. I might just start learning an instrument. I want to get back to my piano sessions. So hopefully if all goes well I shall be playing the Bagatelle  No. 25  in A minor very soon. I was contemplating on  violin as well but then from past experiences I have learnt that strings don't like me and hence I don't like them. Besides, I don't think I will like the consistent neck pains and the scaly fingertips either. .

Its raining. Its raining. And yes its raining. And No, I wasn't exactly having an epileptic attack if thats what you are thinking about why I decided to write it three times in a row. Well, I am subtly trying to emphasize that its been raining too much. Way too much. Hmm wasnt very subtle but then again I just cant seem to master it so wth!..So yea where was I? Oh yes the Rains. Cant stand them. Not one bit. I want them to go away.Even the yummay hot chocolate sessions aint enough for me to feel otherwise.

Its been such a crazy season so far. One thing I guess I could be thankful for is that at least Manipal aint getting flooded(!) much like Delhi and Mumbai where its getting worse by the day. But if I may whine just a little more I d like to say that I sooo hate it when it rains in the morning on my way to class. Its soo icky to sit in wet clothes(which by the way never ever dry unless the Iron comes to my rescue.) And if I may mention its RAINING(!) as I type. This is seriously getting way too much. A sunny day needs to come my way. I desperately need the sunshine! As if the mugginess wasn't enough the rains bring their little wicked friends along with them  which seem to hog my room at night. I guess my aura is just way too irresistible that they decide to walk all over my bed my table my books( Oh they love my books so much so that they crawl inside them as well- so very nice. :s) and even my laptop.Ugh! Pure agony! Oh did I mention that I then go on a mass murder spree squishing each and every single one I see and after I m done  I laugh like a witch before I peacefully go to sleep again.

Thinking of witches it just reminds me to grumble on about my love for the Manipal tap water. The connection between water and witches? There is..Apart from the fact that its an unusual alliteration. There is a very deep connection indeed. See it goes like this..Wait. Lets try and picture this. More fun. I want you to imagine  a witch. .Done?! Ok now slowly focus on the witch's face. Do you see the ugly thin strands of hair falling all over her face?! Well yes hold that thought right there. Now this is precisely how my hair shall be one day (and trust me that day is approaching soon) The tap water here has this wonderful ability to slowly diminish my hair. I came what nearly a month back with tresses and now all I m left with is hair that are well ( in a non disturbing tone) tresses no more. . Sadness I know. But yes I m cursing the tap water all I can and trying to jinx it too. I m working on it. My spell is under construction. There is a quite a bit of chemistry involved there so its taking a little longer than usual. But soon enough I will be out with it.

Anyhow..I think I have done enough talking. For today that is. I officially plan to be this talkative all my life! And whinny too! But then whining I might just might give up on someday if I get tired of it. I shall be off to studies now. Damn! Just hit me that sessionals are just a few hours away.. Ohkayeee. Now is the time where I should start freaking out and yes hopefully do more  than just opening my notes, laying out my awesome Stabilo color pens neatly on the table with the notes on one side. This by the way happens to be my way of - Entering the Preparation Zone for sessionals. I do sometimes even go to the extent of buying new color pens just to scribble as I study. Don't judge me. Colors are of utmost importance in the oh so mundane world of engineering. Colors happen to be my way of liberating myself when I study. So yes I shall leave now, for the books with the  black and white, non glossy paper await me..

Friday, August 13, 2010

Everything happens for a reason. Now I believe. Truly.

So maybe its not that bad. Maybe everything is meant to be the way it turns out when things are out of your control. When you are not at liberty to choose.

A few bad days is all it took for me to see that there is goodness around you the moment you choose to look at it. The moment you choose to seek it.

It has been a bad week for me yet I have managed to find some sunshine in these days of darkness.
I have now heard of  2 people vanishing into thin air this week. They no longer exist. One of them was close to my heart. That person was my inspiration. . . Lets not go into that. My emotions might overpower me. Maybe the day I can justify it fully in my head and the day I see God's point of view I shall that day talk about that person who believed in me when I had doubts about myself. . .

I always wondered why I am where I am. Always wished I could be some place else. But now maybe I dont. Nothing has improved. Nothing has changed. But I see something here in this land of mine that I do not anywhere else..
Love. Unity. Care.
In times of distress I see warmth around. In times of  doubt I see assurance around. . It was so endearing to see people come to rescue. To be there for someone when someone needs a shoulder to cry on. I m touched to see the concern by others for others. Its makes me feel that no matter what someone will always be there for you. Dealing with pain becomes soo much easier if someone is walking beside you holding your hand.

All this I see in this beautiful land of mine. From today and for always I am and always will be proud to be an INDIAN.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Away. Far Away. .

College has just started and what do I feel like doing? I feel like going to some place new. Somewhere where there are no strings attached.

I thought this year was going to be something different. Turns out its not. Everything is the same. Same boring nothing new Manipal with everyone doing the same 'ol everything.

 Life for now is monotonous. 

I want Magic. . . Something that makes me feel alive from within. Something different. Something that sets me free.

The search is on. .

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I run away from you. I come back looking for you..

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed - and gazed - but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

What a beautiful poem by William Wordsworth.

Takes me back to the school days where we used to do analysis of poems and short pieces of writings and try and interpret why they were written the way they were. I could not imagine that I would embark on a day like this when I would just love to sit  days on end and try and figure out the various different semantics  of poems like these. Its funny how we run away from things and just as we let go of them rather they let go of us we find ourselves running back to them.. ..

Anyhow, coming back to this poem.

 It exemplifies an oxymoron in a very wierd way. Well, at least in the first paragraph it does. At least I think it does.How every line has an impulse set up and how there is a comparison and one and many. The poem starts off with the spotlight on "I" and then quickly changes the subjects to "vales and hills." Between the Singularity and Plurality. The  back and forth motion  continues. Only this time between an "I" and the "crowd." The comparison is made  in a very simple fashion. No wrapping of the words. Its almost as if a Climax is intended. How the same idea is illustrated in ways more than one. Fluttering and Dancing again depicts the same idea. Fluttering being a haphazard motion whereas Dancing being a carefully thought out well planned one.

In the second paragraph almost a delicate, fragile touch is given to the feel of the subject  by using "Along the margins of a bay."  Again this is further elucidated by using the word Sprightly which is often used with reference to an old person. . .

Yoh! I could sit there interpreting the whole poem line by line. And what makes it more enchanting is that every time I see the poem I see more patterns and more ways of thinking about what message the poem was trying to convey. I could definitely go on and on.  .

I never was so enthusiastic in class back in school with these type of things. I tried but never quite managed to hit it spot on. Always wondered how some people could see the deeper meaning in things. How they could just see the light in the darkness..hmm okaye I think I am getting tooo dramatic here but nevertheless my point is proven.

Which by the way brings me to an insight! Well it goes like this...

Never be afraid to ask for something. Always keep on wanting something or the other. If you ever dont wish  for something you ever wont get your hands on anything. So in short:  Dream Big and Dream You Must! Coz at the end of the day if you find passion in what you do even if you suck big time at it there will come a day when you wont be so bad! 

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Mother. My Angel

For Mary Roy who grew me up.
Who taught me to say 'excuse me' before
interrupting her in Public.
Who loved me enough to let me go. . .

No, my mother's name is not Mary Roy and these are not my words. I am sure you are wondering why I decided to use this as a beginning for my post today. This post is dedicated to the woman who made me for  who I am and for what I am.. I just could not find better words to start this off than by quoting Arundhati Roy who dedicated The God of Small Things to her mother. I am no fancy writer. I aint no magician with enchanting words but for today and for always I am and I always will be Sushma Kapoor Behl's Daughter.

Maybe this post should have been so aptly written and published on Mother's day so it would have had just the right effect  but then I think that would have been very hypocritical of me. To celebrate my mother's existence just because its Mothers Day?! No thank you. I would like to think that I have every reason to celebrate her existence in my life every day. So today shall be yet another day just that today I wish to do so with the help of words.

It will be hard for me  to pen down just a  few selective thoughts and memories and feelings. More difficult will be for me to  choose. From every little to every big thing that mother has done for me from the moment that I entered this world deserves its place so righteously as the other in this post. .

I Love my Mother. Its just that simple. Its just that plain. 
It does not have to be a long letter of appreciation either. Just a few words can be enough too.

All I want to say for today is that I thank her for being my mother, the selfless creature who nurtured me and put me before herself and put the world before me! 

Love you mom.. ..

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Art Of CoNtEmPlAtiOn!

Its about time  I tell you something important about myself!...A dark secret buried within waiting to be unleashed!

Wow! That did sound soo mystifying...Ok maybe not.

But as soon as my friends read this either I will get a tight slap or a "You dont think everyone knows this already?!!" look so I guess no point trying to make it sound as if its one big secret.

By the looks of it from the title of this post, I m hoping that my readers have a rough idea of where the winds are blowing.

I think. I ponder. I mull over stuff. I anticipate. I contemplate.I philosophize. I speculate.

More like I meditate over some ideas (which by the way never ever seem to end)..Hmm..Is that possible?! Because technically speaking when one meditates they are supposed to calm down and disconnect themselves from the rest of the world.

My brain likes to have something to play with at all times. I mean how can you not 'not think'?!!! Have you ever just gone blank. Ever felt it was a vacuum up there. I know I have never ever felt that way and I m hoping that never happens either. It would be freaky. Don't you think?!

I dont know why  I do it. I mean everyone has a brain Why doesn't anyone else think as much as I do or if they do why are they so afraid to admit it. I dont know.

When you are a kid and you play with a toy you never consider its "economic" purpose so to say. You like it. It makes you happy. Its that simple!

In my thought process its kind of ironic because here I am having the ability(or so I'd like to believe)  to delve into the intricacies  of my thoughts and speculate them and on the other hand I outrageously refuse to question the very  purpose of doing so almost as if I lack the insight to.

Think simple and you will find this life simple.Think complicated and you will find your life entangled in this realm which is full of complexities.
Yes I did come up with this one. However I m sure many others have. Well, this is my version.

I would be lying to you if I said I never ever questioned myself. I do try to think.Very rarely. But I do
I come up with the strangest ideas. I believe its because I like to find the deeper meaning of things. Of why things happen the way they do. Almost as if it is some deep secret that is yet to be discovered.
Yes I do picture myself coming up with some kickass theory about Life and its meaning That finally everything around you(yes yes you part of the bigger picture too!) and everyone else  makes perfect sense...and now you thinking I m wierd? Yes  I can envisage the nods. I think so too. But I d rather be wierd than be someone who hasn't got anything different to offer to this world. I m not saying that I m the only one who thinks this way. I know I m not..At the end of the day I know that its not all bullshit so I guess that one thing that keeps me going.

And for today I think the journey halts here for I will be considerate enough to not bore you or confusle you anymore. I do that to myself  enough already that I try and not take myself seriously whenever I can.

I have no idea what exactly did I achieve by saying all this but I guess I did let you peek into my world's complexities.Who knows one day when I look back at myself I might just laugh and say yes these were the days when I babbled on and on thinking that it was something profound and scholarly. . .

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Me likes. .Me Loves ..

I m in love with a lot of things rite now.

Firstly I am in Love with myself.. (Not that I m not always just that rite now its a little more than usual!)

Then I m in Love with Arjun Rampal. Yes he is my Man right now. I m having a major crush on the guy and trust me this crush is here to stay (read- coz  of his brilliant acting in Raajneeti.) He wasnt the Mr Perfect but he was a realistic version of it. A slightly violent version of it but hey it was supposed to be dramatic.Those days are clearly over when I would head over heels fall for the blue eyed boy. Chocolate boys dont interest me no more. But I guess that depends on my definition of chocolate. ;) Thinking of Politics , Rahul Gandhi is one guy who fascinates me in ways more than one. No No not today. I wont be deviating. I shall talk about him some other time. I have soo many things that I keep mentioning in my posts and then  keep putting them off. I shall talk about them. Each and every one of them. Soon.

Theennn I am in love with the song "Remember the Name" by FortMinor. Its a brilliant piece of music. The violin in the background is just skillful. It keeps the song on its toes and is perfect as the background score of Karate Kid. I like it soo much that I m contemplating whether I should  choreograph a dance routine for this no. I probably will. I just cant stop moving when this song is playing. It aint even a clubby song but then a song becomes something special for me the moment I can imagine a dance rountine for it in my head. And with this one  I can almost imagine myself on stage doing my thing. Incorporating a litlle bit of hip hop, a little bit of free style. Black Tights. Its all there. Nearly! So its clearly my favorite right now.

Moving on, I have recently acquired a fixation for skippy-Peanut Butter!  I just cant seem to live without it! :)
And then there are the usuals. Some things which I will always be in love with. My mom's cooking for example. I vividly remember how I used to throw tantrums about eating before movin out. .But man I love my mom's cooking. Holidays is the time when I say the most absurd things like "Mumma the Chapati is really yummy" and all my mother does is look at me with fascination probably reminiscing the days when would say "Wait till you go to hostel and then show me your nakhre.. .."

Anyhow its really late(or early in the morning is should rather say) I m crashing now. I can hear the birds chirping already but I guess for me its time to hit the bed. Nite
Ta! x

Friday, June 11, 2010

Yeah Baby! The World Cup Has Begun!

OMG! I cannot believe it!! Its gona be Happening in just a few more hours...I m super duper excited!

The world cup fever is on! And I am sooo sooo excited!! My brain is zooming faster than my fingers could type. And to top it all this post will definitely have the "Okay I m not quite sure wot she is tryin to say" moments as and when someone reads it!..but wateva! I m soo hyper and happee right now its don't matter.

Anyhoo. Where was I? Oh yes, me and the world cup!

Wanna hear something really funny and interesting?...I dont have much liking for Football!

OK! OK! OYLRITE! yes I can hear the muffles! but hey let me clarify my stand!

See I m in love with the all things the world cup has brought to AFRICA...and more so to SOUTH AFRICA( my most recent casa happened to be there! I used to live there. So perhaps thats why the attachment and chuckles!)

I wish I was there to share the excitement with my fellow South Africans! I m sure the aura is incredible out there. . Imagine walking out on the streets and seeing people celebrate and sing and dance as if you are right in the middle of a Brazalian festival!.. Id sure wanna be a part of all that.

And for once the spotlight is on AFRICA. A privilege that it truly deserves. .
All the development that has resulted due to the world cup have been breath taking and simply Lekker!

The new Gautrain( pronounced : How-train)!! Its amazing. Definitely a brilliant beginning to the otherwise detached suburbs. Finally the transport barriers are subsiding.
Sometimes you need events like these to make a difference. Surely a metamorphosis is happening.

Amidst all the happiness and the gaiety, there lurks a sad story. A demise of the Angel of our very own Madiba. His grand-daughter,Zenani, met and succumbed to  a road accident just two days ago  while she was returning from the World Cup Concert.. I hope his family gets the strength to deal with such a tremendous loss.

Now as far as the World Cup is concerned. .Who Wins.. Who loses.. Who makes the most no of goals..It don't interest me much.. What makes me a happy girl is that for now the world seems to revolve around South Africa!

Here I m leaving you with video of the world cup anthem in the voice of Shakira. I hope everyone loves it just as much as I did and still do!

Oh! Btw ...I love those Majigi hair extensions that Shakira has in this video.. My next mission is to get my hands on 'em.
Signing off for now...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Today is the wtf day. Period.

It really pisses me off when you try and give someone the hint that you are not interested in what they have to say and they still dont budge. Like dude honestly what is wrong with you?! Can you not see it ON my face that I m least interested in what you have to prove or say, rather how the "I know it all" would put it.

What is even worse is that  they still do not get it  even when you do sort of spell it out for them. Like Hullow!!!! I m not interested to know what you have to say! Get Lost.

I totally get the whole "I m trying to show you another world" concept but what if I m quite comfortable living in MY world. What if your world looks crappy to me and I dont find it interesting at all and what if what you are saying is totally irrelevant to what I am going on about. Eesh!

People amaze me with their ability to go on about pretty much everything other than what the spotlight is on.
Its like "See I am just saying that ....blah blah blah!" and then the "But you see what I mean is .....more blah blah blah!"

Ok dude! I m listening but NO I do not agree with it and NO I am not gonna agree with you just because you are saying it and for the nth time NO I refuse to say "Oh ok I totally get what you mean." because I do not get what you mean. Never mind the fact that each of those "valid" points of yours are not relevant because they are out of context. So SHUT UP!

Haaaaaaaa.....I think I need to go meditate now. Seriusly! Seeing that I am done and its out of ma system I shall take your leave. Hopefully I wont go looking for a baseball bat or a hockey stick because one more time if I hear the "But you see..." I swear ek hockey doongi mein rakh ke. . 


Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Red Carpet has been Laid. .

Buls is one happy girl tonight! The results are out.They aint fabulous (not even close) but yes I see the runway now. Very clearly indeed.That is a reason big enough for me to smile and keep gloating! (:

I realized that in life never think about being perfect all the time. Life does not work that way. It never will coz nothing can ever be perfect. There is always some way that we can make it better! So all I'd say is have the courage to take the First Step and trust me everything will follow. Its all about trying. Maybe at that moment it seems petty but trust me somewhere down the line that little something is  whats gona make everything happen just the way you want it. 

Enough of my Gyaan for today! I m done being philosophical. 

I can feel the wind blowing in my direction and demanding to know a few things. One of them being about my love for  Red, Yes I think the time is coming where I need to let the Red shimmer its way into your heart too!

So Ladies and Gentlemen Lo and Behold soon the Drama Queen shall reveal why she is hopelessly devoted to the Crimson colour oh so madly!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I m still here.

I apologize deeply. I really do. I felt as if I abandoned my blog. I have a lot to tell. I have even more to interpret but somehow I haven't been in the right frame of mind to put it exactly the way I would  want it to sound. I wish my laptop was a tiny littoo thing that I could take anywhere I wanted to so I could pen down my thoughts whenever I felt the need to. I have promised myself that for these four years I will not get a swanky laptop. The wicked viruses that exist in Manipal would for sure corrupt the new laptop. So I shall  remain faithful to my Lenovo R61 for the time being.

There were many revelations while I was travelling. A lot was unveiled. Its fascinating how everyone lives in this one world yet each one of us live in this unique realm that we have created for ourselves. One of the things that I will categorically be talking about is how men in general treat women. And No I am not talking about the bigger and the more obvious rights of women that the people in western countries( read-> the people in  the more developed countries who think of India as  a country repleted with huts) would  wanna talk about. About the wierd and stupid notions that still persist in their minds. I m gonna  talk about the very  minute things in everyday life that I noticed(on the train journey)  that just got me fuming and trust me there were lots of them. I m not saying every husband is like that but trust me the majority of them are like that even if they do love their wife and all that jazz. I will unfold the topic in an entirely new post. There is a lot that I wanna say.

Everyone tells me that I think a lot. I wouldn't disagree with that one bit! When I start thinking one thing leads to another and another. It amazes me how I can continue thinking for hours on end and not realize that it has been hours. Maybe its not the right thing to do. Maybe it is. I'd go with the latter one. Clearly the reason why I still am the way I am. I think this world is full of complexities that need to be comprehended. A lot need to be deciphered. And then there are moments where I feel that if I just keep thinking when will I ever act upon it?! Surely a balance needs to attained and as of now I haven't reached there. Yet. I will get there sooner or later. . 

Hmm . . I m clearly talking heavy now.

Time for me to sign off and return soon I shall. . .

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Another one bites the dust.

Yes Finally... Exams are over and the packing is done too. Another semester comes to a close.

I m a little skeptical at times whether what I am writing is in perfect English or not. I m pretty sure it aint. But then I have realized that life is too short to be followed by rules and "done" the way its "supposed" to be done. It should be done the way you wanna do it. As long as you like it thats what matters..

I cant wait to be back home..Wake up on my bed...Have breakfast sitting in front of the tv and going through the  Mumbai Mirror...Getting back in touch with the world..Aah it will be happening in just a few more hours. Just a few more hours and I will breathe in Mumbai. It isn't the prettiest city, not even close but it has a charm that allures you in a way thats hard to explain. No matter how it started off you always end up falling in love with it. I know I have..

Time flies. It seems like it was just yesterday when I came  to Manipal to start a new beginning and as I precisely as I can put it "to become an engineer" Its mid way through. Two more years to go and I shall be a Software Engineer. There is something fascinating about being a Software engineer even though my friends like to think otherwise. Just in case you were wondering if I knew how to hack a system and how to dismantle a computer and put it together I'd say you take it a little slow. Not there yet. And as far as the hacking story goes I don't think I wanna go there. Its funny how two years have gone by in a blink and miss it. What is funnier is when exams are on you suddenly find soo many things  that you just cant wait to do and the moment the exams get over you the very same things don't seem interesting enough.  Its like you almost looking for an excuse to get away from studies when exams are on.

Putting the spotlight back on "Holidays", thinking about the 72 days of  sheer happiness makes me smile big time. The road trip to back home however, i m not so sure..But hey I got my Pink(say hello to my ipod-nano!)  on me with a brand new playlist so that should keep me busy. :)

Well this is me signin off for today. Running out of energy to say something or rather the energy to think and before I put anyone else who might be reading this off to sleep I think its time i hit the button.

The next time I write it will be from the Land of Dreams- Mumbai.(Looking forward to It..Mumbai here I come. .)

Hasta Luego!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This is it! I start blogging as of today! I m not sure how good a job i will do at it or how how much sense I m gona make. Time shall only tell!

Yes I m a Drama Queen to the core. I love making things appear larger than life. What would life be if we took it for just wot it is.. We need to see things beyond the surface! We need to see the deeper meaning of things. Makes life a lot  more complicated but at the same time makes it makes it all the  more interesting.

I m not sure what exactly I will be writing about. Not decided yet. Could be about anything. Anything that fascinates me. Something that makes me curious or Anything that puts a smile on my face :). But hey who says I aint gonna mull over  about stuff that irritates me or makes me go wtf ?!

So for the blogs to come...

I shall be chirping on about my obsession with the color red ( Yes I have everything possible in red from flip flops, bags, Tee's to you name it! It will be unfair if i talk about it now! IT deserves a post entirely to itself!..). On second thought i should also consider talking about my love for colors in general. I will definitely have a lot to share about that!

 My head is always  zooming with the most random things. Yes it has been officially certified that I m random. That should help me talk about things that just pop into my head to amuse myself if not my readers!....

Well thats it for now. Gotta hit the books! ( O forgot to mention I have a Database End-Sem Exam tomorrow and Home Shweet Home it is in 2 days! Happineess....)

I shall be back soon with lots more to talk about...