Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This is it! I start blogging as of today! I m not sure how good a job i will do at it or how how much sense I m gona make. Time shall only tell!

Yes I m a Drama Queen to the core. I love making things appear larger than life. What would life be if we took it for just wot it is.. We need to see things beyond the surface! We need to see the deeper meaning of things. Makes life a lot  more complicated but at the same time makes it makes it all the  more interesting.

I m not sure what exactly I will be writing about. Not decided yet. Could be about anything. Anything that fascinates me. Something that makes me curious or Anything that puts a smile on my face :). But hey who says I aint gonna mull over  about stuff that irritates me or makes me go wtf ?!

So for the blogs to come...

I shall be chirping on about my obsession with the color red ( Yes I have everything possible in red from flip flops, bags, Tee's to you name it! It will be unfair if i talk about it now! IT deserves a post entirely to itself!..). On second thought i should also consider talking about my love for colors in general. I will definitely have a lot to share about that!

 My head is always  zooming with the most random things. Yes it has been officially certified that I m random. That should help me talk about things that just pop into my head to amuse myself if not my readers!....

Well thats it for now. Gotta hit the books! ( O forgot to mention I have a Database End-Sem Exam tomorrow and Home Shweet Home it is in 2 days! Happineess....)

I shall be back soon with lots more to talk about...

1 comment:

  1. i'm actually waiting for this blog to start off properly.. lets see what the "DRAMA QUEEN" has to offer.. :)
