Monday, August 30, 2010

And Again..

Fifth semester has started and the sessional time has officially arrived. Happiness. :|
I wish my emoticon could look more enthusiastic.
Its been more than a couple of sessionals now and still studying at last minute(literally!) is what happens every single time no matter how many times I say " Watch me next time!" It all ends up pretty much the same way.

Life apart from the " I m soo gonna start studying  properly today" is pretty mundane as of now. Nothing out of the ordinary happening. Lets see what this semester has in store for me. I might just start learning an instrument. I want to get back to my piano sessions. So hopefully if all goes well I shall be playing the Bagatelle  No. 25  in A minor very soon. I was contemplating on  violin as well but then from past experiences I have learnt that strings don't like me and hence I don't like them. Besides, I don't think I will like the consistent neck pains and the scaly fingertips either. .

Its raining. Its raining. And yes its raining. And No, I wasn't exactly having an epileptic attack if thats what you are thinking about why I decided to write it three times in a row. Well, I am subtly trying to emphasize that its been raining too much. Way too much. Hmm wasnt very subtle but then again I just cant seem to master it so wth!..So yea where was I? Oh yes the Rains. Cant stand them. Not one bit. I want them to go away.Even the yummay hot chocolate sessions aint enough for me to feel otherwise.

Its been such a crazy season so far. One thing I guess I could be thankful for is that at least Manipal aint getting flooded(!) much like Delhi and Mumbai where its getting worse by the day. But if I may whine just a little more I d like to say that I sooo hate it when it rains in the morning on my way to class. Its soo icky to sit in wet clothes(which by the way never ever dry unless the Iron comes to my rescue.) And if I may mention its RAINING(!) as I type. This is seriously getting way too much. A sunny day needs to come my way. I desperately need the sunshine! As if the mugginess wasn't enough the rains bring their little wicked friends along with them  which seem to hog my room at night. I guess my aura is just way too irresistible that they decide to walk all over my bed my table my books( Oh they love my books so much so that they crawl inside them as well- so very nice. :s) and even my laptop.Ugh! Pure agony! Oh did I mention that I then go on a mass murder spree squishing each and every single one I see and after I m done  I laugh like a witch before I peacefully go to sleep again.

Thinking of witches it just reminds me to grumble on about my love for the Manipal tap water. The connection between water and witches? There is..Apart from the fact that its an unusual alliteration. There is a very deep connection indeed. See it goes like this..Wait. Lets try and picture this. More fun. I want you to imagine  a witch. .Done?! Ok now slowly focus on the witch's face. Do you see the ugly thin strands of hair falling all over her face?! Well yes hold that thought right there. Now this is precisely how my hair shall be one day (and trust me that day is approaching soon) The tap water here has this wonderful ability to slowly diminish my hair. I came what nearly a month back with tresses and now all I m left with is hair that are well ( in a non disturbing tone) tresses no more. . Sadness I know. But yes I m cursing the tap water all I can and trying to jinx it too. I m working on it. My spell is under construction. There is a quite a bit of chemistry involved there so its taking a little longer than usual. But soon enough I will be out with it.

Anyhow..I think I have done enough talking. For today that is. I officially plan to be this talkative all my life! And whinny too! But then whining I might just might give up on someday if I get tired of it. I shall be off to studies now. Damn! Just hit me that sessionals are just a few hours away.. Ohkayeee. Now is the time where I should start freaking out and yes hopefully do more  than just opening my notes, laying out my awesome Stabilo color pens neatly on the table with the notes on one side. This by the way happens to be my way of - Entering the Preparation Zone for sessionals. I do sometimes even go to the extent of buying new color pens just to scribble as I study. Don't judge me. Colors are of utmost importance in the oh so mundane world of engineering. Colors happen to be my way of liberating myself when I study. So yes I shall leave now, for the books with the  black and white, non glossy paper await me..

Friday, August 13, 2010

Everything happens for a reason. Now I believe. Truly.

So maybe its not that bad. Maybe everything is meant to be the way it turns out when things are out of your control. When you are not at liberty to choose.

A few bad days is all it took for me to see that there is goodness around you the moment you choose to look at it. The moment you choose to seek it.

It has been a bad week for me yet I have managed to find some sunshine in these days of darkness.
I have now heard of  2 people vanishing into thin air this week. They no longer exist. One of them was close to my heart. That person was my inspiration. . . Lets not go into that. My emotions might overpower me. Maybe the day I can justify it fully in my head and the day I see God's point of view I shall that day talk about that person who believed in me when I had doubts about myself. . .

I always wondered why I am where I am. Always wished I could be some place else. But now maybe I dont. Nothing has improved. Nothing has changed. But I see something here in this land of mine that I do not anywhere else..
Love. Unity. Care.
In times of distress I see warmth around. In times of  doubt I see assurance around. . It was so endearing to see people come to rescue. To be there for someone when someone needs a shoulder to cry on. I m touched to see the concern by others for others. Its makes me feel that no matter what someone will always be there for you. Dealing with pain becomes soo much easier if someone is walking beside you holding your hand.

All this I see in this beautiful land of mine. From today and for always I am and always will be proud to be an INDIAN.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Away. Far Away. .

College has just started and what do I feel like doing? I feel like going to some place new. Somewhere where there are no strings attached.

I thought this year was going to be something different. Turns out its not. Everything is the same. Same boring nothing new Manipal with everyone doing the same 'ol everything.

 Life for now is monotonous. 

I want Magic. . . Something that makes me feel alive from within. Something different. Something that sets me free.

The search is on. .