Sunday, April 24, 2011

Goodbye. .The saddest word.

Today I bid adieu to something that has given me company for quite some time now. I know I m gonna sound crazy once you find out what it is. but. I kid you not(!) the emotions are strong and I am actually going to miss this special something.


In case you are still lost and you have no clue as to what I am talking about I shall solve the mystery. It is a TV series by J.J. Abrams. It took me quite a while to finish the series. After all it was a good 5 seasons which by the way translates into 105 episodes! And I say it from the bottom of my heart that I m going to miss it immensely. I know how this sounds and on top of that I m sure I am being considered the most dramatic person as I write this post and as you read it but I just cant help being emotional about it. Now dont go picturing  me as holding a tissue in my hand as I type this post. It aint THAT dramatic but yes as I said before I will miss this series. A LOT!

Scifi is a genre that fascinates me more than any genre. Intrigues me and tickles my intellect. Alias, for now, happens to be on top of the list. Looking at it from the backstage perspective everything about this series was truly remarkable. The way it was shot. The cinematography. The storyline. The acting of every single character in the script. The background score of almost all the seasons.The different looks that the actors carried off in every episode. And above all the way the show was consistent all the way through. I could go on and on, literally!

As I watched the last episode today it truly did feel like the end of an era (Ok, I do confess that I am being over the top when I say this) I dont know how many times I was truly mesmerized by the show that I went ahead and told my friends that I would love to become a spy. But I don't think I would make a very good Sydney Bristow. In fact, I think I would be a horrible spy. For starters, let me be honest. I don't think I would be able to do those stunts and lets say even if I did,  my wonderful ability to talk 24/7 and my awesome abiltiy to be an open book wouldn't quite cut it for the resume required to be a spy. Period.

So I guess I had to archive this thought of mine. The love I have for Alias just had to be recorded. So yeah, there it is!

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