Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wierd is good.

The cute kid who shows you his tongue when you think he is going to smile.
The autumn leaves that don't crunch.
The red lipstick that turns out to be more pink than red.
The paint that looks so exotic on the tray but not so much on the paper.
The wrinkles on clothes that don't go even after ironing.
That doll on the supermarket shelf that is more scary than adorable.
The cockroach that can fly.
The  big sea shell that crumbles.
The dork who thinks he is handsome.
The plastic girl who thinks others are fake.
The cinnamon aroma that somehow makes you sick.
An old woman who has a gangsta attitude.
A scent candle that doesn't smell.
A sharp knife that doesn't cut.
A fly that doesn't want to fly.
An English Honors student who doesn't know how to speak English well.
A purple that turns out to be blue.
A dancer who is scared of heels.
The pjs that turn out to be uncomfortable.
The clip that doesn't hold back hair.
The espresso that isn't strong enough.
The talks of billions in the land of poverty.

That Cleopatra wasn't beautiful.
Beaded necklaces that give off color.
Relationship Status of a 10 year old- Divorced.
When candid seems rehearsed.
When rehearsed seems candid.
Magicpop that does not pop.
How photos can lie so easily.
How Glee is so fake yet so real.
A secret that everyone knows.
How the subtle use of emotive language(only) makes a writer famous.
When a perfume looks so good and smells quite the opposite.

How nauseating the perfume section of a shop can turn out to be.

Road side clothes that makes a bigger fashion statement than the Guccis' and the Pradas'...

Soo you see- Wierd is Good!


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