Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wierd Times.

Very wierd times.

I don't know how to explain this feeling that I have. Is it happy? Is it sad? I m not so sure.

Times are changing fast. In fact the things are becoming overwhelming.I look around and I see friends are getting married/engaged/pregnant. The first thing that comes to my mind is- Omifreakinlord! Are we really that old already?

What is even funnier is that I just cant help but think about how the common perception of 'East' being the one to usually win the race in matters like these is clearly being proven wrong. Gone are the days when we could stereotype easily. I like the unpredictability of the society.  Or maybe a better way to look at this is that the trends are reversing. Makes me think of this theory that a sociologist once told me about. He said that societies at large impersonate each other and will always do so. Something that is being done in one part of the world will sooner or later become the trend in the other. 

..Coming back to the whole topic of friends getting married and all. It still hasn't sunk in. I look around me in this part of the world and I would say times are definitely changing. India is known to have that conservative image that we all know about but to me it looks like East is becoming West and West is becoming East. I do not mean to say in any way that West is becoming conservative  but then again the word conservative has its various interpretations and descriptions/tags to me are like opinions that become widely accepted so it really depends on how one sees it.

So that being said I really just have to accept that we are not so young anymore. Well, still young but not the teenage young. Funny though innit? It seems like it was just yesterday that we were in high school doing the whimsical crazy stupid things that we loved  to.. 

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