Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I m still here.

I apologize deeply. I really do. I felt as if I abandoned my blog. I have a lot to tell. I have even more to interpret but somehow I haven't been in the right frame of mind to put it exactly the way I would  want it to sound. I wish my laptop was a tiny littoo thing that I could take anywhere I wanted to so I could pen down my thoughts whenever I felt the need to. I have promised myself that for these four years I will not get a swanky laptop. The wicked viruses that exist in Manipal would for sure corrupt the new laptop. So I shall  remain faithful to my Lenovo R61 for the time being.

There were many revelations while I was travelling. A lot was unveiled. Its fascinating how everyone lives in this one world yet each one of us live in this unique realm that we have created for ourselves. One of the things that I will categorically be talking about is how men in general treat women. And No I am not talking about the bigger and the more obvious rights of women that the people in western countries( read-> the people in  the more developed countries who think of India as  a country repleted with huts) would  wanna talk about. About the wierd and stupid notions that still persist in their minds. I m gonna  talk about the very  minute things in everyday life that I noticed(on the train journey)  that just got me fuming and trust me there were lots of them. I m not saying every husband is like that but trust me the majority of them are like that even if they do love their wife and all that jazz. I will unfold the topic in an entirely new post. There is a lot that I wanna say.

Everyone tells me that I think a lot. I wouldn't disagree with that one bit! When I start thinking one thing leads to another and another. It amazes me how I can continue thinking for hours on end and not realize that it has been hours. Maybe its not the right thing to do. Maybe it is. I'd go with the latter one. Clearly the reason why I still am the way I am. I think this world is full of complexities that need to be comprehended. A lot need to be deciphered. And then there are moments where I feel that if I just keep thinking when will I ever act upon it?! Surely a balance needs to attained and as of now I haven't reached there. Yet. I will get there sooner or later. . 

Hmm . . I m clearly talking heavy now.

Time for me to sign off and return soon I shall. . .

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